A Cloud of Witnesses
The Story of Redemption and Steps to Christ Sorrow filled heaven as it was realized that man was ...
ViewThe Story of Redemption and Steps to Christ
Sorrow filled heaven as it was realized that man was lost and the world which God had created was to be filled with mortals doomed to misery, sickness, and death, and there was no way of escape for the offender. The whole family of Adam must die....
He then made known to the angelic host that a way of escape had been made for lost man. He told them that He had been pleading with His Father, and had offered to give His life a ransom, to take the sentence of death upon Himself, that through Him man might find pardon; that through the merits of His blood, and obedience to the law of God, they could have the favor of God and be brought into the beautiful garden and eat of the fruit of the tree of life....The Story of Redemption and Steps to Christ Sorrow filled heaven as it was realized that man was ...
ViewThe Story of Redemption and Steps to Christ Sorrow filled heaven as it was realized that man was ...
ViewThe Story of Redemption and Steps to Christ Sorrow filled heaven as it was realized that man was ...
ViewThe Story of Redemption and Steps to Christ Sorrow filled heaven as it was realized that man was ...