Creation to Re-Creation
Raising The Remnant by Scott Ritsema A Portrait of Successful Christian Parenting Is there any o...
ViewRaising The Remnant by Scott Ritsema
Yes! Recent research has indeed painted a remarkably clear portrait of the character, values, and practices of parents whose young adult children are now thriving spiritually.Raising the Remnantnot only reports on these Geroge Barna research findings, but also uncovers that this very same traditional advice was given in the 19th century!
You're sure to walk away from this information-packed dvd with practical and proven time-tested success strategies from real Christian families.
While there are no guarantees in a universe of free will, the principles in this dvd will provide your children every advantage in becoming the spiritually strong remnant in the midst of a spiritually lost generation.
Discover the surprising answers!
If I want to help my kids become spiritually strong young adults...
Raising The Remnant by Scott Ritsema A Portrait of Successful Christian Parenting Is there any o...
ViewRaising The Remnant by Scott Ritsema A Portrait of Successful Christian Parenting Is there any o...
ViewRaising The Remnant by Scott Ritsema A Portrait of Successful Christian Parenting Is there any o...
ViewRaising The Remnant by Scott Ritsema A Portrait of Successful Christian Parenting Is there any o...