A Cloud of Witnesses
Answering The Call - Fountainview Devotional You’ve come to the end of another tough day, and t...
ViewAnswering The Call - Fountainview Devotional
You’ve come to the end of another tough day, and things haven’t gone the way you had anticipated. No, that’s an understatement—your day was miserable! You feel weak, helpless, and empty —like a dried up sponge on a scorching summer day. That’s when the phone rings. You sigh because you really don’t feel like answering the call, but your better judgment wins out and you pick up the receiver. When you finally end the conversation, you are brimming with heavenly peace. Although it was a call from one of your close friends, you believe it was a call from God.
How fantastic it is when you get to see that God is taking a special interest in your life! Unfortunately, too often you and I hesitate and even choose not to answer the call that will remove the agitation and frustration from our souls. But God doesn’t give up on you, especially when you have given up on yourself. He keeps on calling.
“Whatever may have been your past experience, however discouraging your present circumstances, if you will come to Jesus just as you are, weak, helpless, and despairing, our compassionate Saviour will meet you a great way off, and will throw about you His arms of love and His robe of righteousness” (Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, pg. 9).
ANSWERING THE CALL is a collection of inspirational thoughts and experiences written by Fountainview Academy’s Grade 11 English class. It is our hope that, as you read daily from these pages, you will clearly hear the call of the Life-giver and that you will continue ANSWERING THE CALL.
Answering The Call - Fountainview Devotional You’ve come to the end of another tough day, and t...
ViewAnswering The Call - Fountainview Devotional You’ve come to the end of another tough day, and t...
ViewAnswering The Call - Fountainview Devotional You’ve come to the end of another tough day, and t...
ViewAnswering The Call - Fountainview Devotional You’ve come to the end of another tough day, and t...