A Question of Origins
A Greater Lust: - Scott Ritsema 6 DVD Set! Enslaved to purity in a pornographic worldWe live in a...
ViewA Greater Lust: - Scott Ritsema 6 DVD Set!
Enslaved to purity in a pornographic world
We live in a pornographic world. Day after day, sexually alluring images seize the eyes and assault the male brain at every turn. Presently, 70% of men in the church today admit to struggling with pornography in their daily lives. Is there any hope for those who feel like slaves to their desires? Unquestionably, the answer is a definitive YES! Whether you are addicted to pornography or merely seeking victory over lust, the latest research and treatment strategies, combined with time-tested biblical principles, will inspire you with a shockingly hopeful vision for your future: the end of shame and isolation and the beginning of complete freedom.
6 DVD Set
1. Your Brain on Pornography - Understanding the Lust Cascade.
2. The Poisonous Root - Wounded, Deceived and Intimacy Starved.
3. A Violent Vice - 19th Century Morals meets 21st Century Science.
4. Look and Live - How Faith Really Works.
5. Your Brain Off Pornography - Behold, I will do a New Thing (Part 1)
6. Your Brain Off Pornography - Behold, I will do a New Thing (Part 2)
Who is the intended audience of A GREATER LUST?
This seminar is applicable to both single and married men. Any guy wanting complete victory over the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh should view it - i.e. every male. It is appropriate for youth under parental instruction. Women will find much to apply to their lives as well and to gain better understanding of men.
A Greater Lust: - Scott Ritsema 6 DVD Set! Enslaved to purity in a pornographic worldWe live in a...
ViewA Greater Lust: - Scott Ritsema 6 DVD Set! Enslaved to purity in a pornographic worldWe live in a...
ViewA Greater Lust: - Scott Ritsema 6 DVD Set! Enslaved to purity in a pornographic worldWe live in a...
ViewA Greater Lust: - Scott Ritsema 6 DVD Set! Enslaved to purity in a pornographic worldWe live in a...